Trio World Academy added a “Fun Day” to its annual calendar this week and brought its students, parents and teachers laughing and out of breath into a new and enjoyable world of experiences. Fun was experienced by a large and very happy crowd encompassing our entire community on a sunny day here in Bangalore.
If the definition of fun is “a group or community expressing joy and happiness together” then there is no doubt that the TWA Fun Day held on Friday the 30th of March is without a doubt a “defined” moment in the life of our school.
The intention of the day was clearly to have our various groups from inside and outside the school come together, to experience team, competition and mutual support while achieving various goals. Alongside this there was a more serious reason, the raising of funds for the Mathru School for the Blind, a local project which the school has taken on in a spirit of caring and social responsibility.
From athletics to IT quiz’s, the small stalls arranged by our students that sold everything from sweets, art, information on Brazil and wonderful food, every moment was planned to maximise excitement and effort while adding a surfeit of fun.
This was truly a fitting way to complete a Term, a chance to clear the mind, exercise the brain, stretch the legs and of course open our hearts and pockets.
As a TWA community day of fun, this was a wonderful success and for everyone involved a chance to see the hard work of planning and preparation come to fruition. Now we look forward to the Easter/Spring Break and then a return to enjoy new challenges of mind and body in the form of tests, exams and further chances for fun and laughter.