Service at TRIO
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
Community service programmes at TRIO teach our children to think beyond their own lives and helps them develop a well-rounded personality. We assist them to assimilate human-centric skills, knowledge and attitudes in the classroom, through which they can positively influence the lives of people beyond the school walls. Our community service programmes are designed to encourage civic responsibility and provide credible, significant service to the community. Having such a direct influence on the community at large establishes the sense that their efforts are necessary, valuable and recognized.
Community Service is given the same amount of reverence, attention and efforts as is given to other activities in school such as academics and sports. Such programmes aim to turn children into confident, compassionate and quick-thinking leaders. It also cultivates bonding, camaraderie and teamwork. Children can discover their hidden talents and experience the joys of giving.

Activities undertaken by the TRIO Community Service Team
- A group of students from DP1 (Manav, Ketan, Jun, Gautam, Shivani and Ria) started a fundraiser through crowdfunding using the platform in partnership with Habitat for Humanity. They raised around Rs. 38,000 which was used to provide health kits to patients affected by the pandemic, the elderly, sex workers, and other vulnerable groups in the community. The funds were donated to the organisation Habitat for Humanity.
- Many of our students made masks and donated to the people in their community (Ghana, Jun, Arya and Shria).
- Some of our students physically helped in hospitals doing duties such as Reception e.g., Shria in the Ramiah Hospital (talking and managing patients).
- Many of our students (Ria, Ghana and Sanjana) were involved in making and sending cards to Covid patients, and Appreciation Cards to Health Workers in Bangalore and a hospital in Punjab.
The TRIO Community Service team, in collaboration with the NGO ‘Goonj’, was able to collect and disperse Rs. 1.5 lakhs worth essential commodities excluding medicines to the victims of J&K floods. Their efforts were acknowledged by the local media.
The Middle School Community Service members carried out a campus cleaning day. The students, inspired by the ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan’, picked up garbage and cleaned litter around the school campus. The initiative reinforced the message that it is everyone’s responsibility to keep their surroundings clean.
Trio World Academy believes in the philosophy of ‘Think globally, act locally’. Our community services team undertakes regular initiatives for the betterment of the neighbouring Govt. School. The students of both the schools interact frequently. Trio Community Service has initiated ‘shoes for all students’ campaign and has contributed towards their annual day prizes. The team visits the school at least once a week to teach English skills, play games and share resources. Students also collected funds for to buy books, shoes and uniforms for the children.
The primary school Community Service members are currently in the process of collecting toys and other valuables for the children of an orphanage.
Trio World Academy Organised a Fund-Raising Book Fair, Whose Proceeds Were Donated to Vathsalya Charitable Trust to pay for a Life-Saving Surgery of an Abandoned 18-Month-Old Baby Girl.
TRIO is the first school in Karnataka to include fair trade in its curriculum. Our students are encouraged to be responsible and ethical consumers by buying fair trade products. The fair-trade movement ensures better prices, support and sustainability for the farming community.The primary and middle school students conducted a campaign to support the movement. They drew messages on cotton cloth patches with the theme,
‘A fairer world for farmers and us’. These patches were used to make India’s biggest organic cotton T-shirt, which was unveiled on 22nd Nov 2014, at our school.The middle school students also undertook a trip to fair trade cotton factory for awareness about the plight of cotton producers in India.
TRIO has tied up with an NGO called ‘Reap Benefit’ which devises cost effective solutions for solid waste management and water conservation. Reap Benefit has teamed up with the middle school students and initiated a waste management project, which seeks to recycle waste by segregatingit appropriately. The next step is to use this experience to help the Govt. school in establishing a similar waste management project.TRIO aspires to achieve a higher level of awareness and environmental consciousness among students of both schools through this project.
Trio World Academy is now a YES (Youth Engaging Society) centre which means that our students can now enrol and submit applications for the IAYP award. The IAYP awards are given for service, skills, physical recreation and adventurous journeys. The award provides them with internationally valid credentials, as proof of not only academic accomplishments, but also of achievements and contributions beyond the classroom.
The students of both the Primary and Secondary school raised funds and made donations to help the inmates of the Mother Teresa’s Old Age home for two consecutive years in 2017 and 2018.
The Student Council initiated and collected donations such as dry rations and other food items, clothes, shoes and toys for the Kerala and Coorg flood victims in 2018.
The IB CAS students helped the Parikrama Secondary School in setting up a library in their newly built school building.
The IB CAS students and the Middle School students have been regularly visiting and teaching the students of the neighbouring Government School.
In October 2017 the PYP students raised a sum of 50,000 rupees during the Joy of Giving Week by organising a Walk-a-thon to gift a new set of clothes to the entire team of 120 support staff of the Trio World Academy.
In 2016 students of Grade 5 donated clothes and toys to the children of the migrant workers in Sahakarnagar.
Trio World Academy were the first group from India to have undertaken volunteering work at the Auberge des migrants in Calais in France, as a part of their CAS programme. The students worked in collaboration with a French NGO called Utopia56. They underwent a training programme by the NGO, that focused on the right approach for helping refugees.
Trio students have donated Track Suits, Plates and carpets for junior classes, for the students of Kodigehalli Govt Primary School, on the occasion of Daan Utsav.
Saaket Ram Kavuri, a grade 2 student at Trio, began his mission to plant trees when he was four years old. Until now, he has planted several saplings around the city. He passionately works on his home garden, and spends time cleaning, watering, deweeding and plucking vegetables.
Students of Trio collected e-wastes of approximately 294 kg, to create awareness about ill-effects of toxic e-wastes and their recycling in Bengaluru and found their place in the Limca Book of records. They invited citizens to deposit their e-wastes like UPS, keyboards, batteries,CD discs, and mobiles. They created art out of some of the waste in the form of trees and animals.
Trio students raised funds and sponsored raincoats, with reflectors for Bangalore traffic police.
Middle school students of Trio initiated a grey water harvesting project, for water conservation, to help the neighboring Kodigehalli Government School. This water utilised for washing is purified and reused for gardening or in the toilet. They also implemented a drip irrigation systemin the garden. Around 70-100 litres of water are saved per day.
Students, teachers and parents donated approximately Rs 20,000 for victims of the earthquake that occurred in Nepal during April 2015.
Trio students developed eco-friendly dustbins to easily segregate plastic and paper. The dustbins were donated to the Sahakar Nagar Community.
Trio students raised funds for victims of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, the 2010 Haiti earthquake, and for Jammu & Kashmir floods.
Trio students, along with the PTA, raised approximately 125,000 INR for the critical surgery of an abandoned baby girl Ankita. The funds were given to the Vathsalya Charitable Trust.
Trio students, along with the Parents prepared over 5000 seed balls and planted them in Bengaluru urban forest.