TRIO World Academy conducts massive e-waste collection and awareness drive; 294kg of e-wastes gathered

TRIO World Academy conducts massive e-waste collection and awareness drive; 294kg of e-wastes gathered

October 9, 2015, Bengaluru:
TRIO World Academy in collaboration with BinBag conducted an e-waste awareness and collection drive. The campaign invited the students’ and teachers, their families, and citizens of Bengaluru to donate their e-wates. The wastes gathered during the drive included mobile phones, CDs, batteries, computer peripherals, telephones, irons, and other consumer electronics. The drive also marks the beginning of TRIO’s waste segregation and recycling programme.

BinBag has been creating awareness among TRIO students through their programmes on e-wastes and their environmental impact. E-wastes can contain toxic elements like arsenic, cadmium and lead. The students were then assigned their own groups, who in turn conducted e-wate awareness and recycling drives in their neighbourhood.

TRIO aims to make e-wate collection a long-term initiative at their school, with the installation of an e-waste collection bin.

Mr. Naveen KM, Managing Director, TRIO World Academy said that the e-waste drive was intended to spread awareness about the dangers of e-waste and the downsides of irresponsible e-waste disposal. He appreciated the efforts of TRIO’s students towards learning and implementing e-waste management measures

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