To the sound of cheers and the waving of flags Trio World Academy’s (TWA) new large waterfall and playground were opened by the British Deputy High Commissioner Mr Ian Felton and his wife Judith on Wednesday 14th September.
His arrival heralded the beginning of a morning of festivities hosted by the Head of the School and Board of Directors of TWA.
From the moment their car sporting the Union Jack drove onto the campus they mingled with students and their families, had a goal kicking competition, were given a tour of the school by the Head of the School and Board of Directors, had “High Tea”, and of course the ribbon cutting. In between Mr Felton and his wife took time to sit on the grass and were pleased to speak to children of all ages. At the moment of cutting the ribbon for the waterfall, it was turned on and a flow of clean clear water cascaded downwards across the beautiful granite panels. When the playground was officially opened laughing happy children ran in to play on the state of the art swings, slides etc.
Trio World Academy Head of the School said “TWA is proud of its reputation as a place of learning, now it’s also an aesthetically pleasing environment for the students in their leisure time around the school”.
The morning ended with the guests being driven from the TRIO campus to the echoing sounds of water gurgling and children playing